remain on 意味

発音を聞く:   remain onの例文
  • ~にとどまる


もっと例文:   次へ>
  1. can you still remain on the side of being hurt ?
  2. as long as they remain on the other side of the narrow sea .
    海の向こうを 恐れることはない
  3. can you still remain on the receiving end of being hurt ?
  4. he'll remain on the ship until he's no longer needed .
    彼には暫くこの艦に居てもらうわ 用が済むまでね
  5. if you'd like to take the call , please remain on the line .
    電話を受ける場合は そのまま お待ち下さい


        remain:     1remain n. 残りの物, 残骸(いがい), 遺物, 遺体. 【動詞+】 The remains will be burned . 遺骸は火葬されます His remains were interred in the cemetery. 彼の遺骸はその墓地に埋葬された I rescued the remains of my newspaper fro
        remain at:    ~に残る、~にとどまる
        remain in:     remáin ín [自] (1) (ずっと)家の中に残る. (2) 〈火が〉ずっと燃えている.
        remain to:    依然{いぜん}として~する
        to remain:    to remain 踏み止まる ふみとどまる 残る のこる 余る あまる 居座る いすわる 居残る いのこる
        asked to remain in:    《be ~》~にとどまることを求められる
        cave remain:    cave remain 洞くつ遺跡[地球]
        epithelial remain:    上皮残物{じょうひ ざんぶつ}
        fecal remain:    (動物{どうぶつ}の)糞の跡
        human remain:    人骨{じんこつ}、人間{にんげん}の遺体{いたい}
        if remain untouched:    そのまま放置{ほうち}すれば
        inability to remain in:    ~の保持不能{ほじ ふのう}
        items remain:    残り件数
        mortal remain:     mortal remáin [遠回しに] 遺体,遺骸(dead body).
        mummified remain:    ミイラ化した遺骸{いがい}


  1. "remain obligated to the other party to a contract" 意味
  2. "remain obscure" 意味
  3. "remain of considerable concern to" 意味
  4. "remain off" 意味
  5. "remain off cigarettes while carrying the child" 意味
  6. "remain on a declining trend" 意味
  7. "remain on a mild recovery path" 意味
  8. "remain on a plateau" 意味
  9. "remain on a stable footing" 意味
  10. "remain off" 意味
  11. "remain off cigarettes while carrying the child" 意味
  12. "remain on a declining trend" 意味
  13. "remain on a mild recovery path" 意味

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